Saturday, October 4, 2008

3 in 1 !

About Me :

The name’s Tan. Philip Tan.
Living with parents (at the moment)
Has two sisters, both married... so guys, don’t bother asking.
Leans more towards the introverted side.
Enjoys rain, good food, drinking water, sleeping, and talking.
I Like Dogs.

The guy in the picture ... yeap, that's me.

About Her :

5 Things I look for in a woman. (There are more! But I’ll limit it to 5)
- loves my family
- Not a Cat Loving Freak (sorry, cannot tahan)
- honest
- not a shopaholic
- loves God.

Future Me :

10 things before turning 30.
1. get a Masters
2. earn 5 figure salary or maybe 6...
3. settle down and get married
4. whoops, get a girlfriend first... haha
5. learn an instrument and compose a song
6. learn a new language or even my mother tongue (Mandarin is a challenge!), and be fluent in 4 languages.
7. Climb Everest! (Though, I haven’t climb Mt Kinabalu yet...but I’m dreaming big!)
8. Impact Malaysia (oh in a good way definitely), most probably in the Economic/Financial Sector
9. oh oh, I must buy a house (nearly forgot about this)
10. to be walking fully in God’s plan

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