Saturday, September 6, 2008

10 things to do b4 - 30! (by: alex)

Here's my list ... considering still got SOOOOOOO many years(this for you lindy) XD
till i reach 30 ... It might change la ... Anyways(drumroll) here goes .... (more drumroll)

ps. they are not arranged in order of importance

1. Get a good Job
(essential wei!)
2. Climb a mountain solo
(more fun =p)
3. Go skiing
(yeah man!)
4. Write a novel
(dun have to publish)
5. find a good gf (LOL. nothing else to write mah ... so simply la ....)
6. Finish reading the bible
(100% a must)
7. Get a photo with a super famous celebrity which I know the name
(for my vanity)
8. Play a song in 3 different musical intruments
(can pretend abit XD like i know LOOL)
9. Learn to cook a 3 course meal
(yummy! like before, pretend im a good cook XD)
10. Be a better person XD

YES! finally finish. its much harder than i thought! LOL 5 things would be much easier haha!
last time i made a list but dunno go where and what i put already lol

k la... u guys faster put so i can read. XD bring it on! lol

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