Mr Interviewer: Mr Alex, I've heard *insert bla bla text here*. Now tell me, What do you want to see happen this year in this cell?
Mr Alex: Hmm this is seriously a question to ponder, Mr Interviewer.*touches chin thoughtfully* Fortunately I have many answers to your question.
Mr Interviewer: *leans forward with interest* Please do share them with me.
Mr Alex: With my powers of deduction unlocked by the series of Sherlock Holmes and gifted to me by the Royal Highness Himself, one thing I have concluded is that some people of the more matured age require companions for them in their lives. So on the top of the list will be a suitable life partner for those people.(no names mentioned)
Mr Interviewer: That is highly thoughtful, Mr Alex. Please do continue.
Mr Alex: It will be a glad thing if the cell continues to expand more and more continuously, not only in numbers, but also spiritually whereby members will experience spiritual maturity. I quote,
from SIBKL Pastor Chew, Big is not strong, small is not strong, Strong is strong.
Mr Alex: By this, the cell should have more external events beyond just fellowship; the cell should do community work or mission trips together more.
Mr Interviewer: *hoping to shake Alex from his seat* Alas, I heard you just lost a few highly valued members from your cell. How would this affect the performance of your cell?
Mr Alex: *calm and composed look* Well, fortunately we still have the other core members and more core members will arise from this cell which has more than just a few gems in it. We will hold together and although they will be missed, our performance will not waver. I also hope together, as one, we will gain more knowledge together to serve the Kingdom through experience in the field, and probably classes which teach us more to interact with the non-believers better, how to share and how to cope if bombarded with sudden questions.
Mr Interviewer: Thank you for your time, Mr Alex, you have been most gracious. This hereby concludes our interview for the day. *stands and shakes hand*
For modern times. point form.1. Jee Wang and Tzyy Jeng and those who require wife/husband, I hope they get into a wonderful relationship this year.
2. More hill climbing, community work and mission trips together.
3. Members growing in numbers and in spiritual maturity.
4. More excellent core members.
5. Gain more knowledge through hands on experience and courses.
6. Members can and will spread the word to non-believers confidentally.